Female Fighting

By Henriette Groot Kormelink Join Me

Ik kom in actie voor Pink Ribbon...

Female Fighters... Ladies in Kyokushin Karate, Kickboxing or any other Martial Arts are fighting regulary, just for fun!  But 1 out of  7 women, female fighter or not, has to fight breast cancer at a certain point in life. Pink Ribbon is meant for these women.  We female fighters are taking action to raise money for important breast cancer research. Will you support us with a donation? Together we can achieve more! On behalf of all female fighters and PinK Ribbon: Thank you!

My Achievements

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Aan eigen actie gedoneerd

Je bent begonnen: 10 euro opgehaald

Goed bezig: 100 euro opgehaald

Doorzetter: 250 euro opgehaald

Wauw: 500 euro opgehaald

Top fondsenwerver: 1000 euro opgehaald

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tomoe Dojo Female Fighting 2024


Henriette Groot Kormelink