Tips & Tools

Raise money like this

The first time, it takes some getting used to. Asking for money. With our campaign materials, asking for donations becomes easier than ever. We have collected the 8 best tips for asking for donations.

Change the way you think
Cancer affects everyone. If you ask for donations, you will be surprised how many people thank you for the chance to make an impact.

Personalise your fundraiser page
You and your story are unique. The more personal your story, the more likely people will help you. Especially when it comes to the impact of breast cancer.

A good start is half the battle
The best way to encourage others is to set a good example yourself. Kick-start your action by making a donation on your page yourself....

Ask, ask, ask
If you don't ask, you don't get. Donations sometimes come from the most unexpected corners. Start close to home. Once a few friends have crossed the bridge, more are guaranteed to follow.

Get Social
You will be amazed how many people support you when you share something via WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook or X. Check out our special social media images in the toolkit for inspiration.

Organise a mini-fundraiser
Bake biscuits, collect deposit bottles, ask for donations for your birthday or sell something tasty or healthy at work. Donate the proceeds on your fundraiser page.

Send a reminder
Sometimes making a donation slips through the cracks. This is not out of reluctance but that is how things go. That is why it is a good idea to send a reminder now and then. For instance, via WhatsApp.

Thank your donors
This is perhaps the most important part of fundraising. People are giving you something because you are committed to a powerful cause and that is well worth a thank you! Send them an email, an app or tag them in a post on social media.

App your friends

Super-fast to ask all your contacts for a donation? You can! We put together a handy text for you in advance. It works like this:

1. Click on the WhatsApp logo.

2. Select your contacts.

3. Insert the link to your personal action page

4. Send it! You will reach your target amount in no time.

Send a


To help you with campaigning, we have developed some tools for you to download. This will make asking for donations a bit easier.

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Need help?

Need help with your action page? Or are you running into something else? Send an email to Or call during office hours on 020 5700 525 (usual call charges) We are happy to help.